


你知道吗?许多公司宁可选择外交客服服务,为了降低开销。每天面对着不同态度,不同语言的 顾客,公司里的员工来不及学习便以站上商场面对与顾客之间的代沟,有时还会手忙脚乱,来不 及回复所有的顾客,因此把公司的客服交给更专业人士管理在正常不过了… 


1. 减少管理开销 

公司内部的员工需要每个月都支付薪水,并且有许多机械需要持续管理,同时某些公司还会面临 员工缺失的问题。 

2. 提高顾客对公司的忠诚 

假设顾客遇到了麻烦,想要寻求帮助,却无人接听他的来电,并没有得到更好的解决方案,因此让 顾客留下了不好的形象以及流失了顾客。 

3. 提高潜在客户 

顾客或许不会自动上门,但我们可以通过通话沟通的方式主动去了解哪些客户是深感兴趣,但不 知如何开始的,并给予他们方向或是分享最新讯息。大多数的顾客都不会突然的上门,但你的慰 问会加深顾客的兴趣。 

4. 增强扩张性 

当你将资源给予更专业人士,你便能全心专注自己的项目并且做到极致。公司的扩张性逐渐被扩 大,因为客户源越来越多,成交率也提高了许多。

 5. 维系与保留顾客

 90%以上的顾客都会选择能与自己沟通得来的服务,也希望自己能够被理解,客服恰好都满足顾 客的需求,来自不同国家有着不同的语言,不同的时差,遇到问题的他们,也不必担心沟通问题以 及24小时为顾客服务。

以上简单的几个好处,却帮助了一个公司的成长趋向,成就你的客户,方能成就你自己,顾客好, 你公司的业绩自然也好!所以,千万别忽略了你客户的感受,或许你更需要专业的外交客服协助 你,达到三赢的模式,顾客赢,客服赢,你赢!


The Best Recruitment Agency in Malaysia Awards 2021


VPO Services is awarded one of the best recruitment agencies in Malaysia Awards 2021 by The Fun Empire. Fun Empire is a leading HR event company located in Singapore. They have helped many corporations in improving employee satisfaction and work with recruitment agencies in filling up the human resources gap.

VPO is recognized by our sustained and continuous commitment to assist corporations in overcoming current HR issues. With the ability to cater for diverse verticals with intelligent business operations, VPO distinguishes itself from a usual recruitment company. 

Check out this article details: https://www.thefunempire.com/recruitment-agencies-malaysia/ 


How to beat Digital Marketing with Cold Calling?

How to beat Digital Marketing with Cold Calling?

Google, Facebook and Instagram have become main platform in generating sales. These digital platforms allow flexibility in managing your marketing budget and you only pay for traffic generated by the ads. People speculating, cold call is sunsetting as technology evolving. However, cold call still one of main approach adopting by corporate in promoting their service or product, especially for B2B businesses. The Brevet Group confirmed that much, noting 92% more customer interaction will take place on phone. This means phone calls are unavoidable and it will engage your customers better. In this article, we are sharing 5 important cold call techniques that really works.

  • Know who you are calling. Remember to address by their name or company name when call is picked up. Addressing their name and introduce yourself at the beginning of call can gain more confidence from customers as they could understand this is not a phone scams. Besides, telling customer how you acquired their contacts is a plus point to remind customer that they could have submitted or engaged with your brand prior to the call. Using their names communicates respect and friendliness will often endear them to continue to continue the conversation.
  • Weak Value, Wrong propositions. Do not focus too much on your solution but not their problem. Explain what the product and what the advantage is because customers are interested in something that is able to provide benefits to them. Let them know the use of the product and how your product can make your customer’s life easier. It is important to make them think they need it in order to make them buy from you.
  • Avoid hard selling.Being over-aggressive to your customers might cause your customers lack of interest or feel annoyed and have the urge to hang up the phone immediately. Avoid selling the same selling point if customer already released signal of rejection. Try other selling points or quote other example how your product could benefit them. Remember, cold call is a two-way communication, you may want to find out customer’s needs and wants, so allow customer to speak.
  • Reading a script like an emotionless robot. You should prepare a script but not read the script directly to your customer. Call script is very useful for someone to begin with cold call but relying too much on the script make your call emotionless. You should remember that you are communicating with customer and script is merely to remind you about call flow and selling points. Understand what their needs is and how your product could help them is the main objective.
  • Always send follow-up notes to your customers after the call. You can send email or WhatsApp follow-up notes and info documents that related to your product to your customers after the call. Some people are visually oriented and may not able to impress from listening a call. When that is the message being communicated, it encourages them to leave a deep impression and remember you as well.





SDG or elimination, the future trend of evolution

SDG or elimination, the future trend of evolution

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were born 2012 and adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The SDGs target to redirect global public and private investment flows towards the challenges they represent.

With the New Economic Policy (NEP) introduced in 1970 to eliminate poverty and restructure societal imbalance, Malaysia started its journey on SDGs in the 1970s. The introduction of SDGs in 2015 completed Malaysia’s plan in promoting a better living and working environment as stated in SDGs vision. Malaysia has allocated RM20 million in Budget 2021 to SDGs trust fund in promoting SDGs program. In addition, Putrajaya has allocated RM2 billion under the Green Technology Financing Scheme which is focusing on promoting renewable energy, one of the top priorities in SDGs. Malaysia has seen huge improvement in all aspects including poverty, hunger rate, infrastructure, educational level, and responsible consumption and production and the effort is continuing.

On another hand, we may also see efforts from the private sector such as Telekom Malaysia, SYABAS, Sunway Group, YTL Group, UTAR and UTM whom incorporated SDGs as part of their expansion plan, aligned and committed to contribute to create a better, peaceful and equal future. With collaborative effort of both the public and private sector, we are educated with higher awareness on environmental preservation, public responsibilities, fairness and equality, and human rights. Besides, companies or individuals that are against or violating the SDGs policy, be it causing pollution to the clean water or promoting racism, are facing criticism and penalty from the public and law makers. 

As the economy continues to expand in every country, we should not pursue economic growth at the expense of the environment as the consequence is too pricey for every earth resident. As technologist brought us to 4th Industrial Revolution with introduction of automation and artificial intelligence (AI). The 5th Industrial Revolution is speculated to come sooner with more focus on SDG goals in heading us toward better environment.


The 5th Industrial Revolution

The 5th Industrial Revolution

While Fourth Industrial Revolution (4th IR) is expected to bring a better life and creating new economic environment, the world may force to evolve into Fifth Industrial Revolution (5th IR) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many countries have been putting a lot of effort in improving industrial productivity by introducing new technologies like Internet of Things, 3D Printing, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger, Artificial Intelligence, Geo Engineering and Robotics Automation, etc. Governments are putting a hope that 4th IR will accelerate the economic growth by eliminating jobs with repetitive tasks whilst creating more productive jobs. However, the revolution is disrupted when COVID-19 is first identified in late 2019.

5th IR, on the other hand, was first discussed in 2019 and experts across the world are scrambling to define exactly what it will be. Nevertheless, 5th IR is expecting to bring back the focus to humanity. Five main focuses that frequently discusses in 5th IR are:

1. Uncaging recruiters

5th IR emphasizes the importance of human intelligence where it enables recruiters to better match profile against vacancies. 5th IR will also release human resource team from the major administrative tasks and allowing them to focus on growth of organization.

2. Puts women at the forefront

As businesses hire unbiasedly, women and girls around the world will be empowered. In fact, we may find more female leaders in nowadays business world.

3. Prevents the repetition of Engels’ pause

Since the first industrial revolution in 70s, employee wages has stagnated although productivity increased. This stagnation was called Engels’ pause. 5th IR is expected to eliminate more repetitive jobs and creating more jobs as related to curiosity, creativity, empathy, and judgment, which has the potential to prevent such stagnation.

4. Change the way we work

Employee and management will no longer required to read the pile of documents or sit through meetings to get current and accurate information. 5th IR will help companies to organize information as relevant to their position, employee and management may make most of the resources to focus on more strategic tasks.

5th IR is doubtfully a gradual process as concern in public health arose due to COVID-19 pandemic. Corporations and employees have adapted flexible working environment and working approach. Humanity solutions and technology are developing rapidly as respond to changes brought by COVID-19 pandemic.


New work approach to survive in fast-changing environment – AGILE

New work approach to survive in fast-changing environment – AGILE

COVID-19 has hit the global economic hard and economic landscape is evolving fastest-ever. Adoption of new technologies changes our life and companies are struggle to catch-up with the changes. Around the world, we see growing number of companies are embracing agility to improve business performance. We found that company may respond faster to changes and crises with application of agile.

Many companies do not understand agile and still being sceptical to its result. In nutshell, agile approach is shifting your strategy, structure, processes, people, and technology toward a new operating model by rebuilding an organization of self-steering, high performing and supported by a stable backbone. However, a company culture is the most challenging factor for a company in transformation. Although transformation toward agile is tough, but we may begin to shift working and management approach to be more agile with following steps:


Step 1: Setting up a clear and purposeful culture aspiration.

Culture in every company is unique and each company facing challenges associate with their culture. These challenges can be grouped under 4 general categories and each category of challenges facing by the company, should transform and resonate across the company to be practical and achievable.

Category 1, the “Play Safe” company who always trying best to avoid mistake and failure at all costs. Company should be shifting approach to do what is right and embrace trial and error method.

Category 2, the “Leader” company who only listen to leaders with highest position or loudest voice. Company should encourage more opinion from the ground level and actively seeking for opinion from different perspective.

Category 3, the “Established” company that has SOP and KPI for all processes. Rather than telling others how to get things done and relying on SOP to organize teamwork, company should trusting others that they are able to get thing done by using guideline and questions to help others to solve problem.

Category 4, the “Individualistic” company that emphasize on personal KPI performance. Staff in this company will prioritise own KPI over team performance. Management should make it a habit to make others shine and being deliberately transparent. Spending more time with staff will also help to calibrate teamwork and team objective.


Step 2: Make it personal

Everyone may understand change is required but the need of change is different to everyone. Making change personally meaningful to employee is important and allows different definition of agile mindset. Perception of agile is differ among frontline, middle manager, and top management, and have different implication for each. Invite everyone to share their personal opinion and experience may drive transformational momentum and energy.


Step 3: Engineer transformation with right culture

Even the best-designed strategy can fail if it is not supported by surrounding. Culture is an important factor to a company transformation and many transformations has failed because the impact of culture is neglected. To improve the success rate of transformation, we always encourage leader to cultivate a team with following values:

Focus: focusing on matters that brings impact to transformation and minimize involvement in tasks that are less worthy for investing resources.
Accountability: every employee owned and accountable for the processes assigned and commit to the best possible result he could generate.
Retrospection: always review and assess every milestone. Celebrate success or learning from failure will fuel the team to move forward.


Step 4: Monitor and learn

Continuous learning and improvement are core principle of agile. One need to continuously update with latest technology and knowledge to align with evolution of environment. Successful agile transformation has shown importance of monitoring progress, evaluate behavioural change and its impact, and perform regular review to improve from every success and failure.

Every transformation cannot be done without people working toward the transformation objection and hence working culture is critical. Enabling a successful transformation, agile requires fundamental change in company culture. Changing the way we work and interact is hence essential for every transformation in embracing dynamic change in today economic.
